The Amazon is a dream come true. We stay in the most beautiful lodge in the middle of the jungle, called Amazon Antonio’s Lodge. We sail around all day among the monkeys, toucans, crocodiles and dolphins. Hundreds of birds fly around above our heads! We catch piranhas that we prepare on the barbecue ourselves, to have a feast under the stars. We also take walks through the tropical rainforest and our guide shows us how to catch animals and survive in nature. An AMAZING adventure and we will take you all the way! Watch the video to see our adventure in The Amazon in Brazil.

Travel around the best places in Brazil

This was the video about our adventure in The Amazon in Brazil. We would definitely recommend this multiple day tour starting from Manaus with tour company Amazon Antonio Jungle Tours. It’s an adventure of a lifetime and Antonio and his team will provide you with the best experience you can get in the middle of the jungle. The lodge is amazing, the food is very good, the guides take all the time to show you as much as you can see in the Amazon. A jungle tour in the Amazon in Brazil belongs to everyone’s bucket list for sure!

We travel around Brazil for two months and visit the most beautiful and special places. As true nature lovers, we should certainly also not miss Lençóis Maranhenses, the remote island Fernando de Noronha and the natural wonders in Bonito. Of course we shouldn’t skip Rio either. Watch all our videos here and read all our blogs about our adventures in Brazil.

Follow our big trip around the world

Follow us on our world trip! In this episode I show you The Amazon in Brazil and then we head on to many more beautiful places in Brazil. After Brazil we make a major crossing all the way to Southeast Asia. We visit countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and The Philippines. Our travelstory never ends. As a family of 4 we will still keep traveling around the world!

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