Here are the top 10 cheap countries for traveling in 2024. If you are going backpacking through these cheap countries, I have included the daily budget, the price of the beer and an ‘insider tip’ from me. Always useful!

Cambodia Koh Rong Island Camping on the beach
We love adventurous and budget-friendly travel! How about a tent on a Robinson Crusoe beach? So read on to find out where you can do this!

10. Backpacking in the Maldives

At number 10, the big surprise on this list. We went to see if it was possible to island hop in the Maldives. Who would have thought you could backpack in the Maldives? It even turns out to be extremely cheap! A local boat that travels tens of kilometers between two islands often only costs a euro or two. In addition, you can sleep very cheaply, provided you go outside the high season.

  • Daily budget from €20
  • Beer price: Unfortunately, beer is strictly prohibited outside the resorts.
  • Insider tip: Discover the most remote island of Feridhoo, seven hours by boat from Male.

Want to know more about the Maldives? Read more about our adventure or watch the video here!

Backpacking in Maldives island Feridhoo

9. A tour through Bolivia

Undisputedly the cheapest country in all of South America is colorful and diverse Bolivia. The country is visibly poorer than the rest of the continent, but you can travel around fantastically. Bolivia is perhaps the highlight of South America in terms of both culture and nature. The people are friendly and at one with nature, so you will receive a warm welcome everywhere. You don’t have to worry about crime or scams. You can sleep in hotels for ten euros and the excursions do not have to be expensive.

  • Daily budget from €20
  • Beer price per half liter € 1.50
  • Insider tip: take a three-day tour across the Uyuni salt flat, along the Laguna Colorada (see photo) and be dropped across the border in Chile. If you plan to continue traveling, this is ideal!
Bolivia tour Uyuni salt flat Laguna Colorada

8. Back to basics: backpacking through Laos

One of my favorite countries in Asia is the natural and very relaxing Laos. Relaxing for your mind, but also for your wallet! Accommodation, transport and food are still dirt cheap here. Take, for example, the slow boat from the Thai border to Luang Prabang. From there you can reach the beautiful waterfalls of Kuang Si in an hour by motorbike. Then, stay late in Luang Prabang at the famous Mafia bowling alley. It all costs you practically nothing.

  • Daily budget from € 18
  • Beer price per half liter € 1.60
  • Insider tip: rent a motorbike in Luang Prabang for about ten euros. You can then get to Kuang Si quickly and cheaply (see photo). Plus, you’ll always be ahead of the crowds and the tours!

Read more about our adventures here: Backpacking in Laos!

Luang Prabang waterfalls in Laos

7. A culture shock in China

One of my favorite countries to travel to is China! The nature, the culture, the history and also the culture shock in China are reasons to go and see for yourself.

You can of course make this country as expensive as you want, but the advantage is that local life can be dirt cheap. I have traveled to different corners of China several times and it is actually always and everywhere cheap for backpackers. The lower class trains are almost free, the buses especially and domestic flying is also very cheap. You can usually eat out for a few euros and sleep in hostels for less than five euros.

  • Daily budget from € 17
  • Beer price per half liter € 0.65
  • Insider tip: visit beautiful Lijiang (see photo) and from there take a trip to the Tiger Leaping Gorge for a two-day hike. Very tough, but a great adventure!

Watch the video here about our journey through the Tiger Leaping Gorge.

Hiking through the Tiger Leaping Gorge in China

6. Discover the unknown Nicaragua

In general, Central America is not that cheap. A visit to Costa Rica is especially difficult for the real budget traveler. In neighboring Nicaragua, on the other hand, you can get ridiculously cheap accommodation! The bus in particular costs virtually nothing and you can also spend the night in hostels for a few euros. There are a lot of free walks (sometimes with a guide) to the most beautiful places in the country.

  • Daily budget from € 17
  • Beer price per half liter € 1.20
  • Insider tip: visit the most beautiful natural swimming pool called Laguna de Apoyo and sleep at Paradise Hostel. The atmosphere, the food and the location on the volcanic lake are second to none!
The mountains in Nicaragua in Central America

5. Backpacking through Cambodia

Cambodia is a country in Southeast Asia where you can still travel very cheaply. The buses are very cheap and you can spend the night in hotels or hostels for five euros per person. Eating in budget restaurants is still ridiculously cheap and often very affordable. Moreover, you can do excursions everywhere by bike or by cheap tuk tuk. In any case, Cambodia is a country full of adventure, hectic and passion, where as a traveler you get everything you dream of.

  • Daily budget from € 16
  • Beer price per half liter € 1
  • Insider tip: visit the island of Ko Rong. Sleep in Coconut Bungalows. The houses are pricey, but they take you in a boat to a remote paradise. There you can also opt for a tent along the azure blue sea and that costs almost nothing. Completely back-to-basic in the pristine jungle!
Ta Prom is a highlight of Cambodia, in the Angkor Wat temple complex near Siem Reap.
The absolute highlight of backpacking through Cambodia is of course the Angkor Wat temple complex near Siem Reap.

4. A tour through Sri Lanka

We traveled through Sri Lanka remarkably cheaply last year. The local buses, which stop often, sometimes only cost one euro for a long distance. You can often do excursions on your own by bicycle or motorbike. The prices of temples can sometimes be slightly higher, but on the other hand, eating or sleeping costs nothing at all. Especially in the low season, you can hardly travel cheaper anywhere than in Sri Lanka. Alcohol is a bit more expensive, because people hardly drink in strict Buddhist areas.

  • Daily budget from € 16
  • Beer price per half liter € 1.70
  • Insider tip: eat at the delicious fresh bakery! Roti, fish rolls and other snacks are delicious and cheap here.
Buddhists in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is a fairytale country where Buddhism will enchant you!

3. Incredible India

You would of course expect this country to be in the top 3. India is really cheap, but you have to do something for it. Salespeople are crafty and will scam you on all sides. You have to be careful with that. It is best to book hotels via the internet and then preferably book your taxi at your hotel. But, especially in combination with the cheap and delicious food, this is highly recommended for budget travelers.

  • Daily budget from € 15
  • Beer price per half liter € 1.50
  • Insider tip: take a tuk tuk for a whole day, especially in the cities. You often only pay a few euros per person and can then see all the sights. Make sure you can arrange that driver through someone you know, so you won’t be cheated on the price!
The Taj Mahal in India, Agra, the highlight of India
The Taj Mahal is a place that you as a traveler would like to see at some point.

2. Heaven for backbackers: Vietnam

When I think of Vietnam, I immediately think of the food and drinks. In Vietnam you can easily eat for a euro or two and you can get a ‘bia hoi’ (beer of the day) for… 15 euro cents! Bizarre really. Furthermore, you can take bicycles, motorbikes, trains and buses everywhere without your wallet noticing anything. A great country, especially for budget travelers.

  • Daily budget from € 15
  • Beer price per half liter € 0.15

Quick calculators immediately see opportunities to get rid of around 100 beers per day within the budget! Only then I guess you’ll never come back.

Insider tip: take the bus instead of the train! If you go from North to South or vice versa, a ticket will cost you around 30 euros. You can get off as often as you want along the way and there is the option to sleep on the bus.

Ha Long Bay in the North of Vietnam
A highlight of nature on our planet: Ha Long Bay near the capital Hanoi.

1. Backpackers paradise: Nepal

This is it, the leader of the list: Nepal! You could call it ‘Backpackers Paradise’, because of the low costs and the many hiking trails. The costs of hotels, delicious food, taxis and excursions are shockingly low. You will notice that you are inclined to give a little extra tip in this country. The average income here is not much higher than about twenty euros per month. We were shocked by that. However, the people are so friendly and helpful; In addition, the country is absolutely very safe.

  • Daily budget from € 13
  • Beer price per half liter € 1.80
  • Insider tip: go to Pokhara and contact Happy Treks Nepal! Cheap and known for the very best tours to the Himalayas!

Also watch the video about our adventure in the Himalayas!

Trekking through the Himalayas in Nepal from Pokhara
The Himalayas are also a place that will be high on your Bucket List as a traveler, literally and figuratively!

This is it, the ultimate list for cheap travel in 2024. I have one last overview for all travelers. Because this is what you pay for your beer everywhere in the world! The one and only Wout of the World Beer Index!

Wout of the World Bier Index
The beer price is usually very representative of the prices in a country, hence the beer index!