The goat market in Nizwa is one of the highlights of Oman and a must see during your tour through Oman. It is useful to plan your tour so that you are in the city of Nizwa on Friday, because only on Fridays traders and buyers come to the main market of Nizwa to buy or sell the best goats. They come all the way to this place from all regions of Oman and it can be seen in the different traditional clothes they wear. We got up at six o’clock and slept nearby to be at the front of the show and it was really worth it! Did you know there is also a video about the Nizwa goat market at the video page?

Goat Market in Nizwa, Oman

What exactly happens at the Nizwa goat market in Oman?

You must be present at the Nizwa market at 7:00 AM. This can be found just outside the Nizwa Fort. The various gates to the market have signs, so you will see that the ‘Goat Market’ is the second of three gates as viewed from the parking lot. The parking lot is extremely busy, so it is best to arrive on time and look for a spot just outside the parking lot in the city. If you have found a spot around 6:30 am you will be in plenty of time.

First there is a bit of socializing, small talk and then the show starts. A large circle is made with a walking route, read: goat catwalk, and then the sellers go looking for business. They carry, pull and show off their most beautiful goats, while the bystanders shout over each other. We are in the middle of it!

Goat market visit in Nizwa, Oman
The son of a family at the goat market in Nizwa with his new family addition.

Sad for the goats

Despite the fact that the goat market in Oman is a tradition of hundreds of years old and part of Omani culture, it remains difficult to see the animals in such a panic every now and then. It is all quite stressful for the goats, of course, but honestly we see that the Omanis can also be very concerned about their goats. We see the children of the families saying goodbye to their favorite pets here and there! The prices? About a hundred euros for a lamb and that goes up to about three hundred euros for a large, strong animal.

Jens thought the goat in the photo above was very cute, but we lost the bidding war to the nice young man. We were allowed to take a picture with his new family addition. What a way to spend a Friday morning. The advantage of getting up so early is: you still have the whole day for the city of Nizwa. There is much more to admire in the area!

Nizwa Fort in Oman, next to the goat market
With the morning sun, Nizwa Fort is an incredibly beautiful place!

Other attractions in Nizwa city

The Nizwa Fort

Literally the highlight of Nizwa is the huge fortress right next to the main market. We are the first guests early in the morning and see the sun slowly twinkling over the high walls. Everything is really like in a fairy tale of 1001 nights. The Nizwa Fort was built in the past when Nizwa was the richest city in the entire Middle East, to protect its wealth. The age-old trading city appears not to have changed a bit, because outside here you can find fruit, vegetables, pottery, weapons, jewelry, vehicles, herbs, cows, chickens and especially goats.

In the fort you can climb the wall on all sides for phenomenal views. When I stand on one side, I see Suus and Jens in the distance on the other. This place is so incredibly photogenic. Over the wall you can clearly see how the old city of Nizwa was built in the middle of an oasis of palm trees.

The view from Nizwa Fort in Oman
The view of the thousands of palm trees over the wall of the Nizwa Fort.

On Friday you will see warriors, dancers and craftsmen

The fort is stormed around ten o’clock by a traditional army with loud cheering, drumming and dancing. The children are also fully dressed up in local costumes for the occasion. The dance in which waging war with swords is depicted is called Al Razha in Oman.

After the dance there is still quite fanatic fighting with the swords. They were very well attuned to each other, because in this photo I would have lost an eye a long time ago! With a golden shield and a wafer-thin waving sword, we hear one ricochet after another, while the singers and drums increase the tension.

Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque in Nizwa

A beautiful morning sun illuminates the mosque in Nizwa. On Friday, the Muslim holy day, Nizwa is the city where it all happens. Nizwa was originally the city of religion and trade and the two go well together every Friday. The largest market in the country seems like one big street theater. The age-old goat market in particular is an important part of this. The mosque is the center around which all the small streets are built. The souk that you can walk through is also recommended. You will really feel like you are in the world of Aladdin.

Sultaan Qaboos Grand Mosque next to the goat market in Nizwa, Oman

Bahla Fort

After Nizwa we drive a little closer to the desert and it is becoming less inhabited. The oldest and largest fortress in Oman is in Bahla. During our trip, this town has often served as an exercise for my Arabic guttural sound: Bèggglehh. The Omanis thought my pronunciation was pretty close! The entire Bahla Fort is made of sandstone, which makes it look a bit like a sand castle up close. It dates from the twelfth century when the Nabahina people settled here from the desert. It really is a bizarre piece of architecture and so beautifully preserved!

Jabreen Castle

Our last stop in Bahla and the Nizwa area is Jabreen Castle. Personally, I think this seventeenth century castle is the most beautiful Arab picture. It is really reminiscent of the sultan’s palace from Aladdin, with beautiful balconies, Arabic windows and facades, dungeons and even a tomb in the basement. The view on the roof is phenomenal. It is now time for us to leave civilization: off to the desert!

After the goat market in Oman we visit the Jabreen Castle
We thought the most beautiful building in Oman was this beautiful seventeenth century Jabreen castle.

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